
패션 경영 과정: 비즈니스 모델 및 브랜드 조직


과정 기간 : 4시간
언어: 영어
학습 자료: 다운로드 가능한 프레젠테이션, 비디오 강의.
어디: On-demand Online Lessons (buy now, study now)
언제: You’ll have access to the course content for 2 months from date of purchase.

카테고리: ,

Fashion Management Course Overview: fashion business essentials

This module introduces the core concepts of the fashion industry, focusing on company organization, business models, and the impact of digital technologies. It starts from a high level point of view on fashion management to provide the students with a holistic perspective on the way fashion companies compete and succeed in a competitive market.

Drawing from the experiences of Fashion and Luxury managers with experience in global fashion management, this course provides you with the essential knowledge to work in the fashion and luxury industries. You will learn essential notions and terminology that you need to work in this sector whether you work in a fashion brand, a retailer or you provide services to fashion companies.

Whether you are a seasoned professional and you’re looking for new insights or you’re completely new to the fashion industry, this course will allow you to acquire a 360° view of the fashion business, that will help you to generate more value in your activity.

이 과정을 통해 다음을 이해하고 숙달할 수 있습니다. essential processes, timing and key drivers of fashion companies and successful fashion brands.

Fashion Management Course Index

  1. Fashion & Luxury industries: key segments of the fashion and luxury market and how does the brand differentiate itself;
  2. Fashion Brand positioning and market segments in which the fashion & luxury brands are positioned;
  3. Pricing strategies and price positioning for fashion brands
  4. Fashion companies organization from small brands to corporations
  5. Traditional and Digital Sales Channels: wholesale, retail and digital sales channels;
  6. Business Models and Distribution of fashion products & Internationalisation
  7. Product lifecycle: when and how a fashion product is designed, produced and distributed;
  8. Merchandising and Product Strategies in Fashion Brands: Collections Structure and Seasons, Commercial Calendar, Merchandising Categories
  9. KPIs for fashion management: Retail KPIs, Digital KPIs

Fashion Management Course Learning Objectives

After completing this module, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the essential organizational structure of a fashion company and who does what within a fashion company. From the design of the collections to the marketing of the fashion products.
  • Identify the key departments within a fashion company and their roles.
  • Explain the evolution of e-commerce within company structures.
  • Understand the Fashion & Luxury market positioning pyramid.
  • Identify the different segments within the pyramid (High Fashion, Ready-to-Wear, Luxury Collection, High-End/Premium, Mass Market).
  • Explain the relationship between price, quality, and perceived quality.
  • Describe how fashion brands companies use price and style to position their brands.
  • Analyze the Armani brand’s positioning strategy.
  • Understand traditional and digital sales business models (direct sales, licensing).
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each sales method.
  • Describe hybrid systems like joint ventures and partnerships.

Fashion Management Course Topics:

  • Brand Management Market Positioning, Business Models, and Distribution
    •  The Fashion & Luxury Market Positioning Pyramid: Explanation of the pyramid and its segments.
    • Price, Quality, and Perceived Quality: Discussion of the differences and their impact on brand perception.
    • Brand Positioning Strategies: How companies use price and style to differentiate their brands.
    • Case Study: Armani: Analysis of Armani’s brand portfolio and market positioning.
  • Fashion Companies Structure:
    • 설명 the organisation hierarchy: the role of CEO, Executive Board and Departments.
    • Key Departments of a Fashion Company: Overview of Design & Production, Sales, Marketing (including e-commerce), and IT.
  • Sales channels & Business Models:
    • This module explores market positioning within the fashion and luxury industry, different business models, and traditional distribution channels.
    • Traditional Sales Management in the Fashion Industry: wholesale and direct to consumer (DTC)
    • Direct Sales: Advantages (control, margin) and disadvantages (investment, risk).
    • Licensing: Advantages (scalability, lower cost) and disadvantages (less control, data access)
    • Hybrid Systems: 개요 concession partnerships 그리고 joint ventures
    • Business models and sales channels for internationalization and cross border
    • Distribution Channels and E-commerce Integration: How e-commerce integrates with traditional retail and wholesale channels, creating omnichannel experiences
  • Digital Transformation: the Evolution of E-commerce in fashion brands:
    • Phase 1: E-commerce as a spin-off reporting directly to the CEO.
    • Phase 2: Creation of a dedicated e-commerce department.
    • Phase 3: E-commerce as a component of each department.
    • Phase 4: The advanced digital model with a CDO and full digital integration.
  • The Role of the CDO: Managing digital activities and coordinating across departments.
  • Digital Transformation and Fashion Digital Asset Management: Explanation of digital transformation and the importance of information technology for managing creative assets.
  • Integration of IT: The role of IT as an enabler of digital processes and interdepartmental communication.
  • Sales Department Integration with Digital: How traditional sales structures (Wholesale, Retail, E-commerce) integrate with digital roles (e.g., marketplace management).

Fashion Management Course Activities:

  • Interactive Diagram: A drag-and-drop activity where participants arrange several brands on a positioning map. Feedback will be provided to the students by the teachers.
  • Case Study: Analysis of a real-world fashion company’s organizational structure and e-commerce integration.
  • Discussion Forum: A forum for participants to discuss their experiences and challenges with their oragnisation.
  • Quiz: A short quiz to test understanding of key concepts.

Glossary (Integrated throughout the modules):

  • Corporate silos
  • Department/Company Function/Organizational Function
  • 디지털 변환
  • Mood Board
  • Article/Product
  • Collaborations (Co-branded projects)
  • Collection Structure
  • Mass Market/Mass Product
  • 확장성
  • Sell-in
  • Sell-out
  • Creative / Art Director

Fashion Management Lessons Methodology

교육 방법은 패션 회사, 전자 소매업체 및 대행사에서 일하는 업계 전문가의 작업을 기반으로 합니다. 수업의 일반적인 구조는 다음과 같습니다.

  • 패션 회사의 목표
  • 경영 통제: 결과 및 KPI 모니터링
  • 도구상자 기능: 전문가가 사용하는 도구와 소프트웨어에 대해 알아보세요.
  • 패션 및 럭셔리 브랜드의 모범 사례 및 사례 연구 분석
  • 패션 기업에서 구현하는 프로세스와 가이드라인
  • 통합: 연습, 반성 활동 및/또는 퀴즈

Who’s this fashion management course for.

Fashion Management Course summary. An essential course for working in the contemporary fashion industry. The course is ideal for professional who have recently joined a fashion company who previously worked in other sectors. It’s also ideal for digital marketers from agencies and software providers who need to understand how fashion companies work from within.

  1. Fashion brands employees who have recently entered the fashion & luxury industry
  2. Agencies professionals and Providers who want to provide higher value to their clients
  3. Graduates who are starting a career in fashion industry

Main benefits of the fashion management online course

  1. Attending this course you’ll acquire the ability to carry out your work consistently with the brand positioning of the brand you work for;
  2. You’ll be able to interact and engage with your colleagues from differente functions such as wholesale and retail as you will understand their goals;
  3. You’ll be able to envisage and discuss strategic activities for your brand or company, that are in line with your brand positioning

Other benefits of this fashion management online course

  1. 본 과정은 패션 및 럭셔리 업계 전문가들이 패션 및 럭셔리 기업의 실제적 요구를 충족하도록 설계되었습니다.
  2. The course online on-demand meeting with the possibility of viewing the lesson also on demand for 2 months after purchase;
  3. 참가자들은 수업 중 및 수업 이후에 교사와 지역 사회 구성원과 소통할 수 있습니다.
  4. The course allows you to study flexibly from anywhere from any device;
  5. You’ll be allowed to join a global community of fashion professionals around the world

Fashion Management Course: Fashion Sales Channels from Traditional to digitalFashion Management Course: Fashion Product LifecycleFashion Management Course: Fashion Brand PositioningFashion Management Course Learning Outcomes: Brand positioning strategies Fashion Calendar Pricing rules Sales Channels KPIs


교수진은 디지털 패션 및 럭셔리 분야에서 가장 자격을 갖추고 경험이 풍부한 전문가들로 구성되어 있습니다.

엔리코 판타구치

패션 및 럭셔리 전자상거래 컨설턴트, DFA 공동 창립자
엔리코는 패션과 럭셔리를 위한 전자상거래와 디지털 마케팅 분야에서 경험이 풍부한 전문가입니다. 그는 2000년에 Tod's Group에서 경력을 시작했으며, 회사 웹사이트, 디지털 마케팅 및 온라인 고객 서비스를 관리했습니다. 그는 런던의 The Walt Disney Company에서 Disney Interactive의 프로젝트 매니저로 일했고, 그 후 Gucci, Tod's, Twinset, Woolrich, 7 For All Mankind와 Yoox와 같은 전자상거래업체에서 일했습니다.
그는 Digital Fashion Academy와 EBAS 전자상거래 협회의 공동 창립자입니다.
그는 PMP 및 Prince 2 인증을 받은 프로젝트 관리 전문가입니다.


엔리코 프랑코 로셀리

엔리코는 매우 경험이 풍부한 CEO이며, 이전에는 상징적인 럭셔리 스포츠웨어 폴로 브랜드인 라 마르티나의 CEO였습니다.
브랜드 구축, 기업 문제, 협상, 명품, 법률, 디지털, 도매, 소매 및 마케팅 전략 분야의 전문가입니다.
법학 학위와 지적 재산 관리 및 보호 등의 전문 분야를 가진 강력한 사업 개발 전문가. La Martina와 20년간 협력하면서 목표는 라이선싱, 리테일 개발 및 프랜차이즈를 통해 브랜드를 확고히 하고 확장하고, 새로운 시장을 개척하고, 기업 전자상거래 및 디지털 전략을 도입하고 개발하는 것이었습니다.

Do you have any questions? Contact us here.

We usually reply within 24 hours from Monday to Friday

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