Visual Merchandising Example from Pitti Florence - Visual Merchandising Course by Monica Minervini


Your experience with Digital Fashion Academy goes beyond online training

Do you need personalised advice?

Digital Fashion Academy’s experts are Executives and Directors at international fashion brands who are open to share their experience and knowledge and to put these assets at service for young talents and professionals who are eager to learn and develop professionally.

As a student of Digital Fashion Academy you’ll have free tutoring sessions according to your program and you can schedule additional calls with our tutors for a fee.

The tutoring topics can range from specific learning topics to career advice and discussions about current employment situation.

Mentoring for learners

Mentoring from senior managers and experts offers invaluable support and guidance that accelerates the development of young talents within the fashion and luxury industries.

These experienced leaders provide a wealth of industry-specific knowledge, insights into organizational culture, and access to valuable networks. Through regular interaction, mentors can offer constructive feedback, identify growth opportunities, and help mentees navigate complex professional challenges.

This personalized guidance enables young professionals to hone their skills, build confidence, and gain a deeper understanding of the industry’s nuances. By sharing their own career journeys and lessons learned, senior managers empower mentees to make informed decisions, set realistic goals, and ultimately achieve faster and more successful career progression within the competitive fashion and luxury landscape.

Our experts

Cal Bouchard

Executive and Leadership Coach | GM | Olympian

Columbia University
Oakland, California, United States

Executive and Leadership Coach, Digital Growth Advisor and GM. Olympian, with 20+ years in e-commerce, digital marketing, and corporate finance.

I coach and advise leaders and teams at consumer brands from start-ups to Fortune 500s. I thrive on learning new things, going new places, and giving back to my community.

Mentoring: What can you discuss with Cal?

  • Leadership Development
  • Growth Marketing
  • Career Development Coaching

Consulting areas:

  • Executive Coaching
  • Marketing Consulting
  • Business Consulting

Contact Cal directly for consulting services:

Cal Bouchard Mentor @ Digital Fashion Academy


C-Level Executive | Strategic Thinker | LecturerEMBA
Lugano, Switzerland

ジルは過去 16 年間、フィリップ プレインやマイケル コースなどのファッション企業で財務および運営に関するさまざまな役職を務め、世界各地 (米国、アジア、ヨーロッパ) で勤務してきました。


Study finance with Gilles’s in the Fashion Ecommerce Finance in the course ファッションEコマース管理

What can you discuss with Gilles?

Fashion & Luxury Finance & Operations
E-commerce & Business Development

Gilles Gaucher-Cazalis, Ecommerce Finance teacher.


エンリコ・ロゼッリは経験豊富な最高経営責任者であり、以前は ラ・マルティナ、象徴的な高級スポーツウェア ポロ ブランド。

エンリコは共同創設者であり、 デジタルファッションアカデミー 法学修士号を取得しています。


エンリコ・Rはコースでファッションビジネスモデルと販売戦略を教えています ファッションEコマース管理

Enrico Roselli Former CEO of La Martina, Co-founder at Digital Fashion Academy


エンリコ・ファンタグッツィは、ファッション&ラグジュアリー業界でeコマースとデジタルマーケティングの専門家として20年以上の経験を持っています。彼は次のようなブランドで働いてきました。 グッチトッズ, 7 For All Mankind, Twinset, Paul & Shark, Doucal’s, ウールリッチユークス.

彼は共同創設者である デジタルファッションアカデミー そして EBAS E ビジネス協会。Enrico はファッションや高級ブランドのコンサルティングを行い、デジタル変革とオンライン ビジネスの拡大を指導しています。

彼はPMPとPrince 2の認定資格を持つプロジェクト管理の専門家です。
エンリコ・Fはコースで電子商取引とデジタル戦略を教えています ファッションEコマース管理 そして Digital Marketing ファッションの予算 Digital Marketing コース

Enrico Fantaguzzi - Founder Digital Fashion Academy - Ecommerce Management Strategy teacher

Request a mentoring session

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Mentoring FAQs

Is mentoring free with Digital Fashion Academy?

Every students at Digital Fashion Academy can have one or more free live sessions depending on the program they are following. Students enrolled on the Certifications courses that range from 40 to 80 hours they have 3 complementary mentoring sessions of 30 minutes each. Students enrolled on the executive courses that range from 2 to 10 hours they have 1 complementary mentoring session.

How can I book a mentoring session with DFA?

To book a mentoring sessions you need to use the booking form and select a preferred mentor you’d like to talk to and indicate your time zone. Because mentoring sessions are done live online we need to match your availability as a student with the timezones and availability of the mentors. You’ll be contacted to arrange the final date and time.

Still wondering what the best path for you?

Check out our self assessment tools you can use to help you clear your ideas:


当社では、即時に結果が出る無料のデジタル トランスフォーメーション評価ツールをオンラインで提供しています。クイズの所要時間は 5 ~ 10 分です。完全にパーソナライズされた結果が即座に得られます。オンライン評価を受ける前に、いくつかの個人情報をお尋ねするだけです。


The Digital Skills Test is a short online quiz that will allow you to test your essential knowledge of digital business in the fashion industry. If you can score at least 60% in the first trial, you already are digitally savvy.

Find the best course for you

This guided tool will present you with the best study path for you after you have answered some simple questions about your learning goals, career goals and starting point.

Digital Transformation assessment


オンラインで直接無料相談を予約し、日時を選択してください ここ.
