Fast track your career

Graduates & Junior fashion professionals

Digital Specialists or Coordinators who need to broaden their knowledge outside their function

Fashion Tech Professionals

Acquire high level digital skills and state-of-the-art practices to drive company growth with digital transformation


Acquire high level digital skills and state-of-the-art practices to drive company growth with digital transformation

Digital Fashion & E-commerce Courses

Learn from the leading senior professionals who work in Fashion and Luxury companies, consulting firms, digital marketing agencies and system integrators specialising in e-commerce for the Fashion Industry. Our courses focus on the fashion e-commerce value chain activities.   

Fashion E-commerce Management Course
Business Intelligence and analytics
Fashion System

✔ E-commerce strategy and organisation
✔ Financial planning and controlling
✔ E-commerce logistics, payments, customer service
✔ Customer Relationship Management

✔ Digital Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, SEO
✔ Social Media marketing
✔ Business Intelligence and analytics
✔ Omnichannel, marketplaces, internationalisation

डिजिटल कौशल प्रमाणन

डिजिटल फैशन प्रोफेशनल (DFP) प्रमाणन

Digital Fashion Academy आपको अपने कौशल को प्रमाणित करने और बनने का अवसर प्रदान करता है प्रमाणित डिजिटल फैशन प्रोफेशनल (डीएफपी प्रमाणन)हमने फैशन ब्रांड, डिजिटल प्रोफेशनल्स, एजेंसियों और एसोसिएशन के सहयोग से इस प्रमाणन परीक्षा को विकसित किया है। परीक्षा शुल्क छात्रों के नामांकन शुल्क में शामिल है।

Competence model

Our competence model represents the कौशल का सेट जिन पर विचार किया जाता है आवश्यक की भूमिका के लिए डिजिटल फैशन मैनेजर.

Starting from business skills in the commercial area, to the understanding of technology, to how design influences sales performance.

मध्य में स्थित चार वृत्त अध्ययन के इन क्षेत्रों को दर्शाते हैं:

  • फैशन उद्योग विशिष्ट ज्ञान और नियम
  • सामान्य प्रबंधन: प्रबंधन और संगठन
  • ई-कॉमर्स प्रबंधन: रणनीति, प्रदर्शन और नवाचार
  • Digital Marketing: ब्रांड संचार, प्रदर्शन विपणन
Digital Fashion competence model

Digital Fashion Academy क्षमता मॉडल © 2023


Are you looking for a way to fund your studies?

Digital Fashion Academy offers scholarships in collaboration with our partners for funding the attendance of the फैशन ई-कॉमर्स प्रबंधन पाठ्यक्रम

Full scholarships are designed for graduates and partial scholarships are available for junior professionals with up to two years of experience.

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