Digital Skills Test Quiz

Take the Digital Skills Test

Test your digital skills with our mini-quiz. The quiz entails topics such as E-commerce, Digital Marketing and Digital Transformation.

You’ll get an immediate result at the end of the quiz.

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Digital Marketing Topics covered in the digital skills test.

In this short quiz you’ll find questions related to:

  • Leistungsmarketing
  • Digitale Werbung
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Suchmaschinen-Optimierung
  • Analytics: Google Analytics 4
  • KPIs and performance measuring

E-commerce topics covered in the digital skills test

  • Ecommerce KPIs and performance monitoring
  • Legal areas for ecommerce: such as GDPR
  • Financial notions
  • Technical notions about ecommerce
  • Omnichannel

Digital Transformation topics covered in the digital skills test:

  • Use of Artificial Intelligence
  • Cloud computing and collaboration

Wie geht es weiter?

At the end of the quiz you’ll obtain a score as percentage of questions answered correctly. If your percentage is below 70% you’re likely to have gaps in your knowledge of digital tools and processes that you can fill up by attending DFA’s Kurse.

Depending on your goals you may want to develop your knowledge in the Digital Marketing field, E-Commerce Management or both. You can set-up a free consultation with the Course Director at DFA who will be able to advise you on the best possible course of study based on your specific objectives and needs.

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