Wählen Sie mit unserer persönlichen Einschätzung den richtigen Kurs für Ihre Ziele

What course should I take?

Sie suchen einen Kurs für digitale Kompetenzen und brauchen Hilfe bei der Auswahl?

Answer the questions below about yourself and your goals and we’ll provide you with a personalised training path to help you reach your career or business goals.

In diesem kurzen Fragebogen beantworten Sie Fragen zu Ihrer Erfahrung in der Modebranche und Ihrem aktuellen Wissen über Wirtschaft, Technologie, Digital Marketing und E-Commerce.

You’ll then receive a personalised suggested training path via email. The training path is a list of one or more courses that we deem to be beneficial to reach your goals based on your inputs.

If you prefer to talk directly with us you can Buchen Sie hier einen Anruf mit uns.

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What would you like to receive from DFA
How many years of working experience do you have in the fashion industry?
What is your current company sector?
What is your current level in ecommerce?
What is your experience in digital marketing & advertising?
What do you want to achieve? What are your goals?
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